Wild confessions of a professional flutist.

Posts tagged ‘musical journey’

When I Was a Beginner

It happens all the time.  In a lesson with a flute student (of any age, by the way) I will demonstrate a note or technique or passage and the student will blurt out, “Yeah, YOU can do it – you’re really GOOD!”

I have news for you:  I was a beginner, too!  In fact, everyone who is good at something today started out as a beginner.

It’s true.

When I was a beginner, I was the worst one.  Everyone else earned a spot in band class while I was still struggling to make a sound.  As I became frustrated, the Band Director would not let me quit.  Instead, he found me a private teacher, and not only did I catch up, but I passed all the other flutists in my school.

So, he found me a better teacher who pushed harder.  And when it got to be too much of a struggle, the Band Director would not let me quit.

And, when the older kids picked on me because I was first chair and they were not, the Band Director would not let me quit.

So, my flute teacher kept pushing and my parents kept fighting with me to practice and the challenges got harder, but I did not quit.

As I look back to the beginning and think about my musical journey, I am proud to be “really good.”  But, more importantly, I know how to fight for success and to persevere, thanks to the teacher who would not let me quit.

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Hollis Easter

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Avoiding Neverland

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